This is the year of the blog

I don’t use my blog enough, it could be said. I’ve therefore decided that 2014 should be the year of the blog. I’ve blogged on and off for over 14 years now (yes, really!), but I drift in and out of it, such is my attention’s ability to waiver.

I’d like to blog more, be it recording the transformation of the dirtfest that the house was, to pointless moo hinge about things that annoy me, but I’m lacking topic ideas. So, feel free to suggest all manner of random topics, and I’ll undertake your challenge to blog about it….

One thought on “This is the year of the blog

  1. Hmmm, I’ll have a ponder. In the meantime, if you want to link to my personal blog ( rather than my kidney (wordpress) one then I’ll love you for always and a day. And if you want to link to both, that’s fabulous too!

    (… being an English woman in Scotland, what you miss most about living near your [biological] family, CHEESE!, MARMITE!, a typical day in the GOAS household in ten years time [subtitled: OMG! Was *I* like this as a teenager?!], a nostalgic look back at those moments you’ll never regret/best gigs/perfect holidays/school fights/crazy fashion faux pas’ …)

    ( :

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